Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Rainy Week

We have had a busy week at pre-school. We have missed our friends who were absent and hope everyone is healthy and ready to come back to school next week.

This week we learned about the letter Bb. We practiced recognizing, writing and the sound for the letter B. As the week progressed I could see how the children's writing was improving. We are very proud of their hard work. Please continue to work on recognizing and writing letters at home.

Next week we will be working on the letter Mm. We will have a special snack on Wednesday. If you would like to help and bring muffins for the class please let Ms. Anne or I know. Also, please send milk to school for snack on Wednesday. This will be a fun morning for the children. We also hope to start our book check out system next week. So your child should start bringing books home to read next week.

Things to remember for next week:
Fall Pictures- Tuesday
Muffins and Milk- Wednesday

We will hopefully have pictures on here by next week.
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